Friday, May 25, 2012

WARNING: Metro = Never Ending Debt and TAXES


Note: The information below represents costs generated by Loudoun which are grossly understated, many costs categories are omitted, and forecast revenue is exaggerated.  

Note: There is no guarantee tax districts will ever be formed or that they could come close to generating enough revenue to protect citizens from being permanent  Metro cash cows.

Note: The fact that NONE of the elaborate and complex preparation to establish tax districts has even begun proves that the offer to do this timed at the last minute, is a cheap attempt to defraud the public.

The ONLY safe course is to first OPT OUT to protect the 99.99% of the people of Loudoun who will see no benefit whatsoever  from Rail. 


Metro to Loudoun At Any Cost? You Will Pay!

Proposed Metro Taxation Scheme

Cost to bring Metrorail two miles past Dulles Airport = $1.5 billion
A combination of these options is being considered by the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors: 

Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Tax
$0.10- $0.17 (8%-13.7% increase over $1.235 base rate)

1-Mile Rail District
$0.09- $0.20 (7.2%-16% increase over $1.235 base rate)

2-Mile Rail District
$0.09- $0.21 (7.2%-17% increase over $1.235 base rate)

Countywide Real Property Tax Increase
$0.035 across-the-board property tax increase

Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce on May 23 passed a resolution endorsing the lower-end C&I tax for the County, and the higher-end 1-mile Rail tax district rates. Partial text of their resolution is:
The Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce supports the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors adopting two additional real property tax levies that would generate revenues that will be directed to fund the County’s share of the capital costs and operations and maintenance costs associated with its obligations for the construction of Phase 2 of the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project. These levies include:
  1. Creating service districts that encompass an approximate one-mile radius of land surrounding the four proposed Metrorail stations in or near Loudoun County (Route 28, Dulles Airport, Route 606 and Route 772 stations) and imposing up to a maximum of an additional $.20 per $100 value tax rate on all taxable property within those service districts, and; 
  2. Imposing a Commercial and Industrial (C&I) tax levy of up to a maximum $.10 per $100 value on commercial property throughout Loudoun County. 

Problems with these proposed taxes:
  • This funding proposition amounts to asking all businesses countywide to finance a shift of business activity to rail stations.
  • You will be told these taxes will go away eventually. The promise was made that the Dulles Toll Road tolls would go away. Instead DTR tolls will be soaring to new highs, as these taxes will in the future.
  • A county-wide C&I property tax will be passed on to consumers, increasing the costs of all goods and services purchased in Loudoun County, and driving business out of Loudoun County. 
  • The 1-mile tax district will cause businesses to consider locating 1.01 miles or more from the stations, just outside the line, reducing the projected revenues from the tax district, while undermining the intent of transit-oriented development to consolidate in high-density cores. Loudoun has not studied impacts of tax districts. 
  • Loudoun’s Supervisors were elected on a platform of lowering taxes and making Loudoun attractive for new business. These proposed taxes violate both of these principles. Loudoun’s board should Opt Out and let Fairfax and MWAA build rail to Dulles Airport or Rt. 606. Loudoun will still benefit from increased development without having to raise taxes to pay for it. By opting out, Loudoun can protect Loudoun taxpayers from being the back stop/risk taker for this project.

...or Rail to Dulles At $0 Cost? You Can Help!

If Loudoun’s Board of Supervisors Opts Out of Dulles Rail, Fairfax County and MWAA will probably build Metrorail to the airport, and possibly to the Rt. 606 station at no cost to Loudoun taxpayers. Chairman Scott York says Loudoun would not have to pay any construction costs or subsidies to Metro. Yet most of the economic development could still occur.
Here’s how you can help:
  • Read more about the costs and benefits of Opting In vs. Opting Out. There are links to key documents at the top right of our homepage.
  • Share our website and information with others by email, on Facebook, or in your local area.
  • Download a flyer version of this post (available here) and print copies to distribute in your local business, church, etc.
  • Put a NoMetroTax bumper sticker on your car and distribute more in your local business, church, etc.
  • Sign up for email updates (form on right side of our website) to stay up-to-speed with the latest news and events.
  • Sign up for a 2-minute comment at the June 4 (Monday) 6:30pm Dulles Rail Public Input Session at the Board Room, 1 Harrison St, Leesburg. Call the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors at 703-777-0200 to sign up until 12:00 noon the day of the meeting. Citizens will also have the option to sign-up in person at the meetings.
  • Pray for Truth and Justice to prevail!
  • Donate to help us with the costs of printing flyers, driving around to spread the word, and other expenses. We’d like to be able to do newspaper ads, but need your help! There is a Donate link at the top of our website.

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