Friday, January 27, 2012

Rail to Loudoun Has Something for Everyone

Playing "Infrastructure Roulette" with your tax  dollars?

Loudoun County may soon join the high stakes game of "Infrastruture Roulette,"
gambling big, in spite of studies that show the possibility of a return is just about zero. In fact paying to extend rail into Loudoun will be worse than a complete waste of money.
 How could that be? The answer is that after incurring the massive cost to build the rail line and terminals, next comes mandatory annual  subsidies to operate and maintain it; not just  the 2.3 miles in Loudoun, but the entire 100+ miles of the worn-out, under-maintained and union-run Metro system. Make no mistake, if Loudoun opts in, it's forever and it is expensive.

As in any game there are winners and losers, but win or lose, "Rail to Loudoun Has Something for Everyone."

Taxpayers - These are the people politely refered to as "The Backstop" of the Rail to Loudoun financial arrangement. I guess that means they just stand still and take a beating regardless of what hits them. Being the backstop also means paying out a variable share when the other participants have fixed shares. That would be great in a high-yield investment but is not the place to be in this deal. Taxpayers will be permanently shackled to this ball-and-chain with a stroke of the pen by our current Board of Supervisors, yes, that's right, forever, if we opt in. Taxpayers would pay again and again and again. Commuters who live in Loudoun, for example, will be paying thousands more per year at the toll booth and thousands more in property taxes if rail goes through. That's paying if you're coming, paying if you're going, and paying if you never ride the rail or use the toll road.

Commuters - Are taxpayers who end up back in line to pay again at the toll booth. Metropolitain Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) seems to regard commuters and taxpayers as their “cash cows”. They (commuters) are the people that, if MWAA has their way, will be paying soaring tolls.  It's that toll-tax revenue that allows MWAA, a body of  un-elected and un-accountable members, to venture outside their area of core competence (cronyism) into things like building trains for non-driving commuters.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dulles Rail: Call it Kaine's Katastrophe w/video

President & CEO Tony Howard (L), Tim Kaine (C)
Chairman of the Board , Kurt Krause (R)
Tim Kaine gave away our paid-for Dulles Toll Road to MWAA (The Metropolitain Washington Airports Authority) for the grand total of NOTHING just as it was about to become a free road. Now, MWAA is planning to milk the users for every dime it can to build the Metro line to Dulles. 

Tim Kaine and the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce are working together.

Taxpayers of Loudoun, look out!
If Loudoun plays into their scheme by opting into Rail to Loudoun, the shackles will be clamped onto Loudoun forever and we will join Dulles Toll Road commuters on Kaine’s  list of biggest losers.

The Loudoun County Chamber is promoting the Rail to Loudoun project to Loudoun’s public and business community while ignoring the obvious fact that it will cost Loudoun vastly more than it will ever recoup. Why? Follow the money to the few Chamber members whose businesses stand to reap windfall profits.

The US Chamber of Commerce is warning us about Tim Kaine.
In contrast, the local Chamber isn't giving us very good advice
by asking us to play along with Tim's Rail scheme.

Tim Kaine’s bad ideas have cost Virginia billions of dollars and many, many jobs. Now,Tim Kaine and the Loudoun Chamber are teaming up to promote more bad ideas like Rail to Loudoun.
So far Kaine has gotten away with his Toll Road Giveaway Katastrophe. Let’s not hand Kaine and the Loudoun Chamber their next big win by opting in to Rail.

Before the special interests got to Tony Howard, he
was outspoken in his stand against Rail to Loudoun being driven by union-favoring terms. Is Tony a special interests pawn or guided by principle? You decide. Maybe its time for Tony, Kurt and the Crony Club to move on?
Read what Tony Howard, President & CEO Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce said in July.   In his July 5 Letter to the Editor:
flip flop that makes the Chamber look pretty silly.
"Given that 90 percent of Phase 2 of the Dulles Rail Project is funded by Virginia's taxpayers, commuters and businesses, I can not fathom why a Loudoun Supervisor would support this type of discriminatory treatment against Virginia's contractors and construction workers.
Consistently voted the top state in the nation to do business, Virginia enjoys this reputation in part because of our "Right to Work" laws that prohibit forcing an individual to join a labor union just to keep their job.
A mandated PLA on Phase 2 is completely contrary to these and other policies that have given Loudoun County an unemployment rate that is now below 4 percent, compared with double-digit unemployment that reigns in much of the country. There should be no confusion about that."

Thanks Tony, you put it so well.

David LaRock

Hamilton Virginia

Monday, January 23, 2012

Wake up Loudoun, you may be next!

Loudoun County Board of Supervisors

"Who Do You Serve?"

 Please read the article below. It paints a pretty clear picture of how big business interests in Tysons Corners milked the taxpayer for every nickel they could. Like it or not, that's how the game is played, because some businessmen are shrewd people who know how to make money the easy way.
How?  They just keep the campaign contributions, empty promises and press releases rolling, making sure the politicians are there to sign on the dotted line when it's time to close the deal.
If there is any doubt that rail is a financial scam that will roll right over trusting citizens, putting them deeper in debt while the winners take all, then look again. Just follow the money.

Sheep paying unfunded Costs - Reston Times 9-28-05

This is a portrait of a scam: The developer wants rail to come past his land so the value will soar. Business people think maybe some mega-bucks will spin off to them. Developer steps up and says I'll kick in 25 percent of the cost out of the kindness of my heart, BUT, the fine print says they will only pay a puny pitance of the actual costs. The developers share is fixed, and the taxpayers pay the rest. And know this; Big-Dig-No-Bid-Design-As-You-Go-Bechtel will bleed the job until there is nothing left.
Rail to Dulles and Loudoun is a scam. Face it, they win, we lose. The wheelin' dealin' developers just keep telling our local boys what a sweet dealio this rail thing is.
"I'm telling you son, a guy that works with us to make this happen will really look smart. This will be your county's key to the future, bla, bla, bla." The public is just too out of touch to see the big picture.
This looks and smells like a taxpayer funded stimulus for the business community...because it is.
Question to Loudoun Supervisors:
"Who do you serve?"

David LaRock
Hamilton Virginia

Friday, January 13, 2012

Best All Time Great Rail to Loudoun Quotes

Rail, in their own words...

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R), who also addressed chamber of commerce members Jan. 25 in Richmond, said he opposes the Metrorail project's second phase because it is a "boondoggle." According to projections made for eight sample trips, half of them would be no faster than driving, he said.
"It is a real estate deal, not a transportation project,"
Former Virginia congressman and vice chairman of the MWAA board Tom Davis:
September 19, 2011  Davis: Phase 2 Will Bring Higher Density, Higher Tolls to Reston
"There are three certainties about Phase 2," said Davis, a member of the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority (MWAA) board. "It will bring higher density and higher tolls, and the county will have higher operating expenses.
"We are working to keep tolls as low as possible," he said. "No one can tell you with a straight face what the tolls may be."
Phase 2 is not getting federal money. About one-quarter of the price tag - which officials are trying to keep at $2.5 billion - will be paid for by Fairfax and Loudoun Counties and MWAA. The rest will come from Toll Road users, which has some people predicting tolls of $10 to $20. (one way)

"At the end of the day, I would bet my house that this will get done," said Davis.
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli,
"According to projections made for eight sample trips, half of them would be no faster than driving..." he said.
“It is a real estate deal, not a transportation project..."

Longtime Fairfax County developer Til Hazel,
September 19, 2011
 said, at the (Biznow) conference, figuring out who is going to pay is a paramount issue.
"It's not being addressed by the political sector," he said. "It needs to be addressed much more than this enthusiastic 'we are going to build a train to Dulles!' Everyone says 'tolls will pay for it.' That is absolute nonsense."  

MWAA Board member, Robert Clarke BrownMr. Brown said
Minutes of November 16, 2011
  ... he was grateful that Secretary LaHood had convened the
group and forced the parties to sit down and work out the issues. He
had long been a supporter of the rail project, as had Ms. Reiley. He was
fully supportive of the project. He was, however, disappointed with the
outcome after four months of negotiation. He had hoped that the
process would identify additional funding sources. He had thought the
MOA negotiation would have provided a forum to do so, and was
disappointed it had not. In four months, there had not been any
progress in reducing tolls. In fact, there had been some backsliding from

Chairman York's Board of Supervisors Reports
The Loudoun Board of Supervisors remains extremely concerned with the escalation of the project costs associated with Dulles Phase 2 Metrorail. In September 2010, MWAA announced that the project costs had escalated from $2.5 billion at the 65% design stage to $3.8 billion at the 80% design stage—a 52% increase.
 ...Fairfax County’s share stands at approximately 17.2% for Phase 2 only. However, our 8.3% share equates to hundreds of millions of dollars as evidenced by Loudoun’s estimated project share costs increasing from $240 million at beginning design to nearly $316 million at the 80% design stage—a nearly 32% increase. Furthermore, approximately 67% of the entire funding stream for the Dulles Phase 2 Metrorail will be obtained through tolls on the Dulles Toll Road by MWAA. Loudoun County believes that approximately 40 to 50% of motorists on this toll road are Loudoun County residents. 
November 16, 2011
Loudoun got everything it wanted in the latest agreement, according to Loudoun County Board chair Scott York. "This was about reducing the scope of the project, in terms of the dollars," he says.

MWAA Board member Bob Brown
6:40 PM, Nov 16, 2011
The cost of the rail project itself has been brought down a billion dollars to $2. 8 billion. The other billion hasn't gone away... it's just moved, as board member Bob Brown explained, "The project scope wasn't changed, nothing was reduced, it just got pushed off to the counties." watch the video here at the 1:00 mark
Brown predicted that tolls could climb to $16.75 per trip in a few decades, compared with $2 now, as a 2009 study also showed.

 Jim Burton, Former Loudoun County Supervisor,
The Blue Ridge District
from Jim Burton's website
But board member Jim Burton, one of the two opposing votes, says the funding still depends far too much on rising Dulles toll road revenues, which will mean more commuters looking for non-tolled roads.
"They will drop off the toll road, saturate our side roads, and we'll be left with some other way to try to bail out financially," Burton says.

Burton served on: •Finance/Government Services and Operations Committee. Served on this committee for 15 out of the past 16 years, serving as Chair from 2000 to 2004 and from 2007 to 2011. During my term on the committee, the County’s bond rating increased from Aa to Aa+ to AAA•Fiscal Impact Committee Chairman

Nick Samuels, Moody’s lead analyst for Virginia
Moody’s moved Virginia and all municipalities with a AAA rating — the highest possible rating — to a “negative” outlook in August
Dec. 9, 2011
Virginia’s reliance on federal employment and the federal economy as a percentage of its GDP is significantly higher than the national average,”

Patrick Forrest, Republican candidate
Posted on Wed, 2011-09-07
The $17 (toll) number comes from an MWAA powerpoint presentation to USDOT July 11, 2011 that has surfaced recently.
Patrick Forrest the Republican candidate says he "completely supports" the rail project but that $17 tolls are "completely unacceptable." They will harm the economic viability of the region, congest side streets, and cost the average commuter $7,000/year. "It is a recipe to run business and jobs out of town," he says in a political ad, urging support for the petition against $17 tolls.
Another source for the $17 round trip toll is MWAA's finance chairman Robert Brown who wrote in a Washington Post opinion piece that these tolls would be needed by 2040. He said a "double digit toll" would be needed within ten years of the rail line opening.

Tony Howard, President & CEO Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce
In a July 5 Letter to the Editor----Given that 90 percent of Phase 2 of the Dulles Rail Project is funded by Virginia's taxpayers, commuters and businesses, I can not fathom why a Loudoun Supervisor would support this type of discriminatory treatment against Virginia's contractors and construction workers.
Consistently voted the top state in the nation to do business, Virginia enjoys this reputation in part because of our "Right to Work" laws that prohibit forcing an individual to join a labor union just to keep their job.
A mandated PLA on Phase 2 is completely contrary to these and other policies that have given Loudoun County an unemployment rate that is now below 4 percent, compared with double-digit unemployment that reigns in much of the country. There should be no confusion about that.

Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall
from Bob's website
 Virginia officials, including then Governor Kaine, ignored a 2002 US Government Accountability Office report highly critical of MWAA’s secretive contracting practices and cost overruns.  GAO questioned “whether the Authority obtained the best value in the marketplace for the goods and services that the Authority acquired through contracts.”
Of $408 million in contracts examined by GAO, MWAA failed to obtain open competition for 15 of 35 contracts.  GAO said because MWAA fails to apply “generally recognized principles underlying the concept of full and open competition,” this “could convey an appearance of favoritism in its contracting decisions.” GAO’s review was severely limited because MWAA “did not have a centralized database of its concession contracts or documented procedures for awarding these contracts.” Also, since MWAA has refused to even comment on the GAO’s corrective procurement suggestions, GAO said MWAA would be reluctant on its own to correct the procurement problems: “This is particularly troublesome given that the Authority recently embarked upon a multibillion- dollar construction program at Dulles.”  And this was before the multibillion dollar VDOT-MWAA memo signed March 24.
How can this happen?   MWAA is a creation of Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, and the federal government.

Frank Wolf   Member of Congress
from his website
 Fighting these straightforward and bipartisan changes to the board not only adds to MWAA's expenses, but continues what a recent Washington Post editorial said is "a virtuoso display of tone-deaf politics, at least partly as a result of the lack of accountability by the unelected, 13-member board that sets policy for the authority."
 I urge the board to immediately accept the changes in PL 112-55 so the region can once again have confidence that the airports and the Dulles Rail project have sound management.

Thursday, February 24, 2005
Joe May opposes implicit tax
(before going along with tansfer of Dulles Toll Road to MWAA)
May is chairman of the House of Delegates Transportation Appropriations subcommittee and has senior standing on the Transportation Committee.
"What VDOT and the Commonwealth Transportation Board are proposing for commuters on the Dulles Toll Road is, in reality, not a fee increase but an implicit tax increase," May wrote. "They are attempting to impose this tax while avoiding substantive public debate and preventing elected officials from going on the record."

John Locke
 "MEN being, Nature, all free, equal, and independent no one can be put out of this Estate, and subjected to the political Power of another, without his own  Consent. The only Way whereby any one devests himself of (gives up) his natural Liberty, and puts on the Bonds of  civil Society is by agreeing with other Men to joyn and unite into a Community, for their comfortable, safe, and peaceable Living one amongst another, in a secure Enjoyment of their Properties, and a greater Security against any, that are not of It."

Thanks for the candor gentlemen.

David LaRock
Hamilton, Virginia

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rail to Loudoun-Just build that big shiny choo choo train!

"Just build that big shiny choo choo train and then find out what's in it for you"

In the time I spend studying Rail to Dulles and Beyond, I am amazed at how weak the answers are to the why, when, how, and how much questions. In fact, the whole pro-rail push offers very little real information, say in the form of a feasibility study or ridership study. The MWAA team must have learned a while back when they commissioned an Environmental Impact Study in 2004 that showed how utterly worthless rail would be as a remedy for traffic congestion, that facts were better kept behind closed doors. This whole situation reminds me of the Nancy Pelosi advice on Obamacare; just pass it and then find out what's in there... you know, like a grab bag gift.

Believe it or not, our leaders are being lobbied with talk that sounds a bit like extortion or at least distortion to me. They ask, "Why not bring Loudoun into the Rail scheme, because if Loudoun opts out, DTR tolls will be even higher?" A fitting answer might be something like, "Because even if opting out meant a dollar or two more in tolls, staying in would not be worth a lifetime of financial bondage to Metro, feeding the money black hole named WMATA (Metro)." In fact the question is built on the premise that there is not a good choice open to Loudoun. There is! Opt out of Phase II, let them bring the rail to the airport, and pay $ savings, billions, tolls would not be affected.

Just lately, as I seemed to be getting a grasp of how outrageous this rail construction thing is, along comes the realization that the rail issue is not just about construction of rail, it also includes long term money commitments to WMATA (Metro's overseers).

"How do people get themselves into these messes?" Whether it is MWAA controlling the Toll Road or WMATA tapping into Loudoun for a lifetime subsidy fix,it all starts when somebody messes up big time and signs off on these wretched deals.

The kicker is that good guys like Delegate Joe May smelled the rat ahead of time with the Dulles Toll Road. He knew that in principle, something was wrong.

In 2005, Joe May certainly grasped the inequity of tolls being an implicit tax and spoke out against it...until he decided to go along with it. In 2005, one year before he supported the transfer to MWAA, he opposed tolls, calling them an implicit tax. Why then did he change his song and start favoring the idea of turning over the DTR to MWAA to use those tolls or taxes, to finance rail?

from connection news 2005:

 Del. Joe T. May  voiced his dissent in a letter to Whittington Clement, Commonwealth  Transportation Secretary and chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation  Board.
"What VDOT and the Commonwealth Transportation Board are proposing for  commuters on the Dulles Toll Road is, in reality, not a fee increase but an  implicit tax increase," May wrote. "They are attempting to impose this tax while  avoiding substantive public debate and preventing elected officials from going  on the record."

Tim Kaine could have made the DTR a free road as promised, he instead, turned the DTR over to MWAA to redistribute the tolls from Va commuters to build a train they (the commuters) would,in all likelihood,never use. Tim's shortsighted decision led to what we have now, the threat of a $30 round trip Leesburg to DC.

The point is this; another wrong turn will not make it right. If we (Loudoun) buy into rail to save a few bucks on tolls, we are  forever 'in' as shareholders in a broke, rundown, underfunded, union run, and underused transit mode. Why? Just to have an excuse to give away some density and stimulate development that would happen with or without rail, if at all (this is another popular false justification).

Joe May probably had a slick lobbyist explain to him why he should just go along with it, even though Joe knew deep down it was bad for his constituents. Joe did it anyway and he can never change that. Unfortunately, we will pay for it until we have a strong enough governor to undo it. If Joe had stood on principle with those opposing the transfer, others would have joined him, and just maybe we would not be where we are.

At least the price of building rail is a finite amount that in 30 years would be paid off, but buy-in to WMATA, that is a different scale of mistake,its forever.

David LaRock
Hamilton, Virginia