From a former prosecutor...
"Loudoun will draw its first serious crime wave ever just from people riding the Metro from D.C. and P.G. County"
Daniel M. Gray, Esquire
There is an possibility that Metro will have an impact on the quiet neighborhoods that surround the stations. If crime does increase, how far will it reach beyond the station areas? Hopefully Supervisors are weighing this as they form their opinions on whether Metro is good for Loudoun or not.
Daniel Gray
Ms. Ciliberti,
"I see you are from Wilmington, a big union town which died because of union labor, and came back to life as a financial services center when Pete Du Pont made war on taxation as governor. The metro is not going to bring economic activity to Loudoun by itself.
Metro runs all over Prince George's County, and through eastern Montgomery County, and what is mostly brings is crime. As a former prosecutor, I can walk you through the Robbery Track of Metro, and the Homicide Track of Metro, if you want me to. It is so bad near Wheaton Station at the formerly prosperous Wheaton Mall, that the criminal defense lawyers whom I got to know when handling a civil wrongful death suit, told me they have to put extra security in their building, and outside their office door, because criminals from D.C. and P.G. County invade Wheaton Mall where their office is, looking for easy victim marks.
Your Kensington area is now getting pressured by criminals coming along Veirs Mill Road from the east. There is crime cascading into Rockville along Veirs Mill Road, and it won't be long before Kensington is not very safe.
Loudoun will draw its first serious crime wave ever just from people riding the Metro from D.C. and P.G. County. When light rail was built in metro Baltimore out towards what was then rural Owings Mills 20 years ago, liberals scoffed that crime would never get to Owings Mills. Criminals now dominate retail establishments around Owings Mills, as I found out when I tried to find a place to eat. The malls and restaurants were crawling with punks."
Daniel M. Gray, Esquire, West Falls Church
Metro transit police: Not quite the region’s finest
In unique jurisdiction, outcomes of enforcement sometimes fall short
Metro’s officers carry guns and are tasked with enforcing all laws on Metro property, including its 86 rail stations and thousands of bus stops. It also enforces quality-of-life rules of the transit agency, such as a ban on eating and drinking.
“These guys are not the cream of the cop in law enforcement. They are less educated and don’t know how to assess a situation in a logical manner,” said James Bitner, a defense lawyer and former prosecutor who has represented clients who he said have been beaten and wrongly charged by Metro police. “You’re not getting a straight-A student. You’re getting a C and D student.”
DC Metro crime rate tops other transit systems
Metro had a higher crime rate than five other major transit agencies in 2011, even as the number of crimes dropped locally by 16 percent.
Posted: Jun 15, 2012 4:12 PM EDT
Updated: Jun 15, 2012 4:12 PM EDT
By Associated Press
Metro says thefts in the Washington-area transit system doubled in the first three months of the year compared to the same period last year.
Hamilton Virginia
I can just see criminals with their flat screen TVs hoping the Metro to take them home. This is absurd. Trains don't commit crimes, people do. It's not as if criminals stay in one place and can only move by train. Do crimes happen on the Metro? Sometimes they do. But crimes happen any time you have a large population of people. Will the crimes likely reach surrounding neighborhoods? No. This is nothing more than a scare tactic.
ReplyDeleteI think Mr. Gray's experience speaks for itself Alex
ReplyDeleteDid Mr Gray actually witness crimes being committed by these so-called "punks" he witnessed crawling all over the mall and restaurants? Or is this an assumption that they were criminals based solely upon their looks? The notion that the rail will bring a wave of crime into Loudoun is an absurd scare tactic.
ReplyDeletegogo any comment on the other articles in the post?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCommenting on any of this is pointless. This is all scare tactics, trying to make people fear the metro, and last time I checked trains did not commit crime. Frankly minion of the piggie, I have yet to see anything posted by you or the big hog himself that I would give any credence to. and thank you for answering my question, I will yet again take the non answer as confirmation of my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteYou are attacking the messenger not the message.
ReplyDeleteLet's look back a few years to the end of the Blue line in Springfield. Two women were assaulted and one was raped in walking distance to the station upon it's opening days.
ReplyDeleteAdd to that, the Springfield Mall stands EMPTY today. So much for the benefits of end of line commercialization!!