Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fuller Study EXPOSED

Why does Dr. Stephen Fuller talk so much about benefits to Loudoun he attributes to Dulles Rail?

After being pressed for weeks by Loudoun Opt Out, Fuller decided it was time fess up to the public. I spoke with Fuller as he left the Loudoun Chamber members' and politicians' only event where Fuller presented 14 pages of Dulles Rail predictions. He said he was first approached to produce the summary by Maggie Parker who works for Comstock Development, one of the rail station developers. Fuller was also forthcoming with the amount of the check, $15,000., and that it was written by the Claude Moore Foundation, another rail station landowner. Thank you, Dr. Fuller. I hope you can sleep better now.

The Loudoun Times Mirror seems intent on making sure the people of Loudoun only know about Fuller's skewed opinions. Dr. Stephen Fuller, who represents himself as an economist, also sees himself as being qualified to promote certain forms of public transit that his many other benefactors profit from as well.  

Loudoun Chamber Crony Club  is 
Members Only!
This is from another Times Mirror headline story,
 "With the biggest financial decision for Loudoun County just around the corner, there was bound to be controversy stemming from the State of Rail to Loudoun meeting held May 9, at the Dulles International Airport Marriott. David LaRock, on behalf of Loudoun Opt, the organization against Dulles Rail, sent out a press release this morning claiming the group’s representatives were denied access to the State of Rail to Loudoun breakfast held by the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce. The anti-rail organization described the forum as a "public meeting."

For the record, the Times Mirror label of "Anti-Rail" is incorrect. We are anti-wasteful spending. The people who are active in Loudoun Opt Out love this 19th century technology, and like many other people, we see it still has a place in our world, but not necessarily as the centerpiece of Loudoun's economic future.

Stephen Fuller, Ph.D. and Dwight Schar Faculty
Chair speaking at a Cardinal Bank Conference
If you read the 'denied access story', Mr. Howard is not telling the truth. Prior to posting this on the Chamber website, "This event has reached its maximum capacity and has been closed for registration," he denied registration to people (Rob Whitfield and myself) who he knows are not following Fuller and his Pied Piper tune. Does Howard fear someone might actually question Fuller in public?

It was
lonely out in the hall, and I felt very disappointed to see many people leave who I know are NOT Chamber members. If you are not a "member" of the Insider Crony Club then these Chamber guys  just shut you out, period. At least Howard didn’t have us arrested and locked up.
Howard is the MC of a bigger event. His MO is to reject input from credible sources (RCLCO Study) and substitute Fuller and his 14 pages of unsubstantiated silly blather that was not even proof-read judging from the typos. Howard wants the developers who bought this pretend study and contributed heavily to these pro-rail supervisors’ campaigns to saddle up the public as the cash cows for this BAILOUT so the insiders can ride free. So far it seems to be working.
I really hope the people of Loudoun see that we are being misled here. We are all being locked out and left standing in the hall.
David LaRock,


PS Tony Howard, you are welcome at the Town Hall meeting on May 17th at the
Rust Library, 6:45 pm


  1. Check out Fuller's track record on the predictions he was paid to provide. They universally stink.

  2. Fuller occupies the $1 million "Dwight Schar chair" at Mason. Schar bought out Ryan Homes, owns NV Homes, made more money with NVR and is one of the 400 wealthiest people in the country according to Forbes.
    Dwight Schar's daughter, Tracy, is married to Chris Clemente who owns Comstock Homes which will make millions from their property at the proposed rail stop at Loudoun Station if Metro goes in. Maggie Parker is their lobbyist and regularly visits Loudoun BOS members like Ralph Buona.
    The Loudoun Chamber is full of money changers. Look to their leadership.

  3. Wow, conspiracy theorists beware! The pig has all the aluminum foil and the best hat designs on the planet!


    page 11.....Partners, L.C., an affiliate in which Christopher Clemente, Gregory Benson, and others are principals. Christopher Clemente owns a 45% interest, Gregory Benson owns a 5% interest, an entity which is owned or controlled by Christopher Clemente’s father-in-law, Dwight Schar, owns a 45% interest, and an unrelated third party owns a 5% interest in Comstock Partners. For the year ended December 31, 2004, total payments made under these lease agreements were $231,000. These leases ended on September 30, 2004. On October 1, 2004, we entered into a lease with Comstock Asset Management, L.C., an entity owned by Christopher Clemente, for 20,609 square feet for our corporate headquarters. Total payments made under this lease agreement were $142,000 as of December 31, 2004.

    In May 2003, we entered into a lot purchase agreement to sell 47 developed lots to an entity in which Christopher Clemente’s father-in-law, Dwight Schar, serves as the chief executive officer and chairman of the Board of Directors and is a shareholder. During the year ended December 31, 2004, the Company delivered 30 lots to this entity for $3.9 million.
