Lets be perfectly clear, when the Loudoun business community votes with their checkbooks, guess what they are offering to pay to bring Metro to Loudoun
In the interest of promoting a clear dialog on the Metro to Loudoun issue, it would be good to focus on a key word that is used a lot, that is SUPPORT.
Pretty much ALL the promotion of this project comes from a small very vocal segment of the business community who are asking the Board of Supervisors to spend your tax dollars on something that will benefit them alone. Credible studies that show disastrous effects on traffic and spending many time more than revenue justifies are being ignored even by some of Loudoun's Supervisors.
When they, that small very vocal segment of the business community say they SUPPORT the rail project, they mean moral SUPPORT only.
At a recent Dulles South Alliance meeting in Ashburn Bob Buchanan talked about the benefits that private developers have brought to Loudoun County during the last twenty years including the Route 28 tax district for widening that route from a 2 lane highway to a 6 lane highway today. After his presentation I pressed Bob asking if he would support the idea of forming a tax district to pay for bringing Metro to Loudoun and to pay for the ongoing overhead and maintenance subsidies that would come with it. Bob answered with a flat "No."
Why the change of attitude? I suspect that the gigantic cost of this project make it clear to Bob that this is nothing like route 28 improvements which actually improved traffic and benefited business; after all he is a successful businessman, he would know.
That brings us to the other kind of $UPPORT. These few businessmen and their land owner buddies know all about this kind of $UPPORT. They prefer to send their $UPPORT to paid lobbyists and into political campaigns rather than chip in or better yet pay the full cost of Metro to Loudoun.
So next time you read about or hear a Chamber spokesperson gushing about their SUPPORT for Metro to Loudoun, ask them why they aren’t kicking in a single nickel of $UPPORT.
So lets be perfectly clear, when the Loudoun business community votes with their checkbooks, guess what they are offering to pay to bring Metro to Loudoun
· Loudoun property taxes are already too high!Demand common sense solutions!
· Higher tolls for Metro to Loudoun will force 18 million cars off the toll road and back onto busy roads in 2013.
· That's 50,000 more cars crowding the roads every day.
· Metro to Loudoun would suck up money that could streamline existing roads and relieve congestion.
Email Supervisors before it’s too late. BOS@loudoun.gov
METRO to Loudoun is not a good investment.
Tax Pig see the video
Tax Pig see the video
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