Thursday, December 1, 2011

Loudoun Republicans Tell MWAA - No PLA and No Money for Dulles Rail Unless...

    This is a giant step toward protecting Loudoun and all of Virginia  from the power of  The Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority (MWAA). They are the un-elected, un-accountable and in many people's opinion an out -of-control body that is calling the shots on this proposed Phase 2 rail scheme. They (MWAA) are demanding hundreds of $millions in Union perks be added to the project and asking the State of Virginia to fork over hundreds of $millions to the rail project, while the MWAA Board is refusing to submit to audits or even FOIA requests. Their audacity is off the chart.
    The majority of the MWAA Board represent interests outside Virginia. Here is what the Loudoun Republican Committee has to say about that.

   On Monday night, November 28th,  2011 at the Loudoun County Republican Committee meeting in Leesburg, the LCRC voted unanimously to adopt a  Resolution with certain amendments made at the meeting. 

   The Resolution mirrors legislation (H.B. No. 2) pre-filed by Delegate Bob Marshall with the General Assembly, and was supported by Marshall and Senator-elect Dick Black.  Bob Marshall helped guide the discussion at the LCRC meeting.  Speaking at the meeting, in favor of the resolution were Delegate Joe May, Chairman of the Loudoun Board of Supervisors Scott York, Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio and several people from the Committee.  May's support was very important given his position as Chairman of the Appropriations - Transportation Subcommittee.
   The unanimous consensus among those voting at the meeting fuels hopes that other representatives, some of them in attendance at the meeting, are ready to take the lead on these difficult issues.

    State Senator-elect Richard Black has indicated he will post a companion bill in the senate, possibly as earlier as this week. Black commented that he is determined to "not let these interests get a foot in the door and begin to erode Virginia's Right-To-Work laws."
Black summed up his position by adding "this is not about saying yes or no to the rail project, it is about making sure that Virginia is not sending millions of taxpayers’ dollars to an unelected body (MWAA) that has closed meetings, will not submit to open audits, and has repeatedly ignored Government Accountability Office notices to improve its practices."

    A look at the LCRC resolution shows three primary concerns. First were addressed, it takes a position against PLAs and union driven rules for Dulles Rail Phase 2; second, it proposes that before any Virginia State funding goes to Dulles Rail, that MWAA subject itself to Virginia FOIA laws; and third, it seeks accountability through a state audit if state funding goes to the MWAA project.  The Resolution asks the Loudoun Board of Supervisors and the Loudoun Delegation to support these principles in legislation, not just state or federal executive assurances.

David LaRock

H.B. No. 2:

LCRC resolution:

PASSED November 28, 2011

Resolution to Oppose Project Labor Agreement or Union-Driven Rules for Dulles Rail

WHEREAS, Loudoun County has entered into an agreement with the Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority ("MWAA") to construct Rail to Dulles International Airport and 3 miles into Loudoun County; and

WHEREAS, the agreement with MWAA has not been finalized; and

WHEREAS, MWAA intends to mandate a Project Labor Agreement ("PLA") or union driven rules as part of the construction of Phase II of Dulles Rail; and

WHEREAS, such mandate would require the use of union workers and a wage which will effectively preclude most Virginia contractors and businesses from participation in Phase II construction, with most of Virginia contractors ineligible to compete; and

WHEREAS, such provisions mandating union workers undermine the Commonwealth of Virginia's Right to Work Laws, and

WHEREAS, such mandate would require 1.5 wages for hours beyond a 40 hour work week, rigid job classifications, work rules and wage rates (which are union driven) which will significantly increase the construction costs of Dulles Rail Phase II; and

WHEREAS, most Virginia contractors operate under an "open shop" arrangement without union driven mandates; and

WHEREAS, MWAA has very restrictive practices for open meetings, and freedom of Information access by the public which are inconsistent with Virginia law, and

WHEREAS no audit oversight of MWAA’s METRO extension construction project to Tyson's Corner, Dulles Airport and beyond was included for any agency of the Commonwealth when Governor Tim Kaine unilaterally relinquished control of the Dulles Toll Road to MWAA without General Assembly approval,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Loudoun County Republican Committee call upon the Loudoun Board of Supervisors and the members of Loudoun's General Assembly delegation to oppose mandatory PLA provisions or union-driven rules in the final agreement with MWAA for the construction of Phase II of Dulles Rail, the lack of transparency and audit oversight by the Commonwealth; and that if Phase II construction proceeds that it not proceed under present conditions without these concerns being addressed by legislation, and not mere state or federal executive assurances, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee shall cause copies of this resolution to be disseminated to the members of the Board of Supervisors and to the media.

Adopted this 28th day of November 2011

Mark Sell
Loudoun County Republican Committee

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